I think I thought...
I went to have a smoke today. As I was lighting my cigarette, I noticed a man walking up from the parking lot. It looked a lot like one Bradley Hill. Yes, that Bradley Hill. However, this construct had much more hair, albeit trimmed very short, and was considerably thinner. Like a much younger Brad Hill. It was dressed much the same way Brad dressed in the day… hetero-sensual. Casual, clingy sweater, brightly colored. Jeans, dress shoes… the type of guy who could slip into homosexuality if but pushed but a tiny bit.
This was not my Brad Hill. It clumsily entered the building. Bewildered. As if seeing shapes and colors clearly for the first time.
I finished my smoke and wandered into the building. As I approached the elevators, this Brad Hill doppelganger was just exiting the same elevator. Still confused and obviously unsure of where he’s going.
So much like Brad Hill.
Note: Brad Hill's name was changed to protect the real Brad Hill.